I've been listening to this song for much of the day. I have it on repeat now. I don't actually trust my metaphorical feeling on songs a lot of the time--see Sufjan Stevens, for example--but however much of a metaphor this song is, it works for my current mood
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Today I did something pretty darn dumb, even for me, in the history of my grad. education. I won't go into it, for lo, it was pretty stupid. Suffice to say, I won't be trying that again. Once is enough for my nerves
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'Cause that's what I've been doing. One of my Profs expressed shock that I was running and dealing with the data for this experiment so late in the semester. But that's what PivotTables are for, and after working with data from many more subjects over many more stimuli, this seems like a piece of cake. Use the PivotTable to arrange your columns
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ladykorana will be amused to find out that we're trying to create a LOTR/Functional linguists crossover of sorts. Who is our Gandalf? It has been decided, of course, that we are all hobbits
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There is a random strawberry, mushy and a bit ick, sitting on the sidewalk near my door. It took me a minute to figure out what the heck it was
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